Bratislava Street Scene 2
by Jeffrey Kolker
Bratislava Street Scene 2
Jeffrey Kolker
Painting - Digital Painting
A street scene from Old Town, Bratislava, Slovakia. In the back is Michael’s Gate, a tower/gate that was used as part of the fortifications of the city starting in the 1300’s
While the city’s name is fairly new, adopted in 1919 (formerly called “Pressburg” for about 400 years previous), people have been inhabiting the area for thousands of years. The first known settlements were from about 5000 BC. Other groups inhabiting the area over time: Celts, Romans, Slavs, Germans, Austrians, Hungarians. Lots of history. The first written record of the city is from 907.
Much of this history (since medieval times) is preserved in Old Town, located in the city’s center along the Danube river and is definitely noted in the architecture seen here.
May 1st, 2023