Round Tower at Glendalough

by Jeffrey Kolker
Round Tower at Glendalough
Jeffrey Kolker
Painting - Digital Painting
Glendalough was a monastic city, most active from around the 6th Century until mostly destroyed by the British in 1398. Founded by St. Kevin, it is located a valley in the hills of County Wicklow, Ireland. Round towers served multiple purposes. First, they were used as landmarks, built tall so people could see them and find their way to their location. They were also bell towers, store houses, and refuges during times of attack. And Glendalough needed the refuge, as not only from the British, but they suffered various incursions from maruading Vikings as well.
My visit to Glendalough was wet. It rained and rained. And rained some more. It would seem like that the only dry time was when were in the car, though it did rain some while we were driving. But once we got to our location, the rain would pour. But we didn't let that stop us. Nor did it stop the busloads of tourists coming to the area.
Here you can see the tower and the associated cemetery.
July 22nd, 2014