Beauty Whatever the Name

by Jeffrey Kolker
Beauty Whatever the Name
Jeffrey Kolker
Painting - Digital Painting
Dedicated to my Grandmother
My grandmother has recently moved to an assisted living center. This center, St. Simeon's in Tulsa (one of the best in the city), is quite large and has all types of senior living from independent to continuous nursing care. Also residing at this center are several peacocks...5 adults and at least 5 recently hatched chicks. My grandmother loves to watch these birds, and finds them quite fascinating. Unfortunately, she is suffering somewhat from dementia. So when she talks about these birds, for some reason calls them penguins. At first, we would try to correct her, telling her that no..these are peacocks. She would look at us, nod, smile, and then proceed to call them penguins again. The funny thing is, now whenever I, or anyone else now refers to these birds, we inadvertently call them penguins as well. We no longer try to change it... they are now ..."the penguins." I plan to give her a copy of this work on her 94th birthday in November. So, here is to my Grandmother and her beautiful Penguins.
July 12th, 2011